Tag: <span>fitness</span>

Are you putting in the effort at the gym, but not seeing any results on the scale? It’s frustrating to feel like you’re doing everything right, even if you buy steroids Canada as a physical boost, yet still can’t seem to shed those extra pounds.

If that’s the case, try looking at your daily routine and see if you make these exercise mistakes that might be stalling your weight loss progress. Don’t worry – we’ve got your back! In this blog post, we’ll dive into each mistake, then learn how to avoid these pitfalls so you know how to finally achieve your fitness goals.

Over-Glorifying Cardio and Doing Not Enough Strength Training


Many people believe that cardio is the ultimate solution to weight loss, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. While cardiovascular exercise can certainly help you burn calories and improve your overall fitness level, it’s not the only piece of the puzzle. In fact, if you’re over-glorifying cardio and neglecting strength training altogether, you could actually be doing more harm than good. Strength training also aids in building muscle mass which in turn increases the metabolism rate.

The best news is that even when you’re not exercising, your body will keep burning calories at a superior rate throughout the day. Cardiovascular exercises do burn calories during exercise but once done with it then there are no after-effects on calorie burning.

Saying No to Vary Your Workouts

Are you guilty of doing the same workout routine every single day? Get more creative, please. Let us explain. Your body adapts to the same exercises over time, leading to a plateau in results. This results in a stagnant condition. So try your best to vary your workouts. Switch things up completely, regularly. Incorporating different workouts, such as yoga, HIIT training, and dance classes, can keep things challenging for your body in new ways.

Refueling With Too Much Protein and Too Little Carbs

eatRefueling after a workout is essential to replenish energy stores and aid muscle recovery. However, many people make the mistake of consuming too much protein and too little carbs. While protein is vital for muscle repair, carbohydrates are necessary for energy production during exercise.

Consuming an excessive amount of protein without enough carbs can lead to fatigue and decreased performance during workouts. Carbs provide the body with glucose, which serves as fuel for high-intensity exercise like weight lifting or sprinting. Moreover, consuming too much protein can also cause digestive discomfort and strain on kidneys that have to work harder to process excess nitrogen from amino acids.

Underestimating the Power of Rest and Sleep

It’s common to see people working out every day, thinking it is the best way to reach their fitness goals. However, they often underestimate the power of rest and sleep. Rest days are crucial for muscle recovery and growth. When you work out, especially with strength training, you create small tears in your muscles. These tears need time to heal properly so that your body can build stronger muscles. Sleep also plays a critical role in weight loss success. During sleep our bodies release hormones responsible for regulating hunger (ghrelin) and satiety (leptin). Lack of sleep can throw off these hormone levels leading to cravings and overeating.

Weight loss is a complex and challenging process that requires dedication, discipline, and patience. Just remember to balance cardio with strength training, vary your workouts regularly to challenge your body in new ways, fuel up properly with the right amount of protein and carbs, prioritize rest and sleep for optimal recovery and results. You’ll see the significant result in no time.


healthy womanHow to stay healthy after 30 years of age can be done by understanding what staying healthy means and factors that determines a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy person can be defined as one free from diseases, both infectious and lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle for an individual is determined by several factors which include physical, physiological and social factors. On the physical approach, an individual who is physically fit is most probably free from diseases more often lifestyle diseases. The social lifestyle we leave determines our health by a greater margin too.

Therefore, for an individual above 30 years of age, he needs to avoid some common infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and other Sexually transmitted infections which are more common by avoiding a crude sexual lifestyle. He/she needs to avoid having several sexual partners whose status are unknown.This is the key way that can be used to avoid the sexually transmitted infectious diseases which are the major source of death among infectious diseases world wide.

The non infectious diseases can are also a major causes of death among adults above the age of thirty. Cases of cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack and several other cardiovascular diseases have been reported among the adults. in order to avoid such diseases, it is important to live a healthy lifestyle. Several approaches can be used to avoid lifestyle diseases which include :

(i) Exercises

You should always ensure that you do daily exercises to burn excessive calories in your body in order towoman exercise avoid cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure cases. Exercising also boosts metabolism thus ensuring you burn excessive fats that may lead to obesity.

(ii) Screening for lifestyle diseases.

Any person above the age of thirty should consider screening for lifestyle diseases as such diseases start showing up in the early thirties. Diseases such as prostrate cancer could be detected at such an age in male and therefore by early diagnosis, they are curable and thus leading to a healthy lifestyle thereafter.

(iii) Controlling our diet

We need to check on what we consume at this age too. Some foods might as well have an effect to our life as foods that might have been good for us during our adolescent stages might not be suitable for us at late youthful stage. Foods rich in calories and cholesterol should be avoided as they are the major source of lifestyle diseases.eating healthyIn summary, living a healthy lifestyle involves controlling our diet, good exercises to keep fit and medical check-ups that enables early diagnosis of diseases.

Stay Healthy