Tag: <span>whitening gel</span>

As we age, our teeth continue to become stained because of what we eat and drink and habits like smoking. As a result of the discoloration of our teeth, our smiles lose their brightness, and our appearance is affected.

Fortunately, the damage can be reduced and even reversed. The following are some of the most effective teeth whitening methods for helping you to regain your once bright smile.

Whitening trays

One popular whitening option today are teeth trays. Introduced several years ago, whitening trays were available from your dentist as well as in home whitening kits.

How Whitening tray work

A custom-fitted tray is made from a mold of your mouth. A peroxide-based whitening ageWhitening teethnt is placed on the tray, which is then worn inside the mouth for about a half an hour to an hour each day. Over a few weeks time, the teeth are whitened by many shades.

Positively, teeth can be whitened dramatically using this approach. Negatively, there is the time involved in wearing the tray as well as the fact that the whitening agent may cause teeth to become sensitive.

Laser Whitening

An even more effective teeth whitening method than tray bleaching is laser whitening. In laser whitening, a whitening gel is applied to the patient’s teeth and then energized with light from a dental laser, speeding up the process considerably.

Though highly effective, it is also expensive.
There are several less expensive but effective ways to whiten teeth.

Whitening Strips

Among the best of these teeth, whitening methods are whitening strips. It is also a method which is considered to be good for the whitening of teeth. However, this method has several problems.

One problem with whitening strips is that they do not whiten an entire tooth. Most noticeably, the gaps or spaces between the teeth remain untreated, leading to uneven results. In fact, in some cases, spaces between your teeth may be even more noticeable after treatment with whitening strips.

White teethMany people feel that the best teeth whitening products are gels. Take note of the percent of the active ingredient when purchasing a gel.

A larger amount of carbamide peroxide means that you will notice results more quickly. Gels can be applied to the teeth using a molded tray, but it’s important to shield your gums from the chemicals.

New procedures are based on technology, and the results are satisfactory, with a whiter and healthier set of teeth on display. The stains are removed, and the natural color of the teeth is restored, regardless of the teeth whitening products used.

A bright smile will always be an attractive smile and a great way to make a first impression.
